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Monday 20 October 2008

postheadericon Getting there...

Over the weekend the old polytunnel that I took down has now been put back up next to my greenhouse. I have got the frame in place but still requires a lot of work to be done. I need to get hold of a load of timber battens (treated) and fix them so I can make a framework up for the side vents.

Here you can see the modified straight sides that I have made. Its basically a 4ft scaffold bar rammed into the ground with concrete. I have then slipped in a 8ft strong aluminum bar with approximately 3.6ft above ground level, from which then the polytunnel frame sits 3ft inside this tube all bolted together. The joke is "are you growing palm trees" every time someone comes round, or the zoo rang and asked if you had room to house two giraffes. surprisingly this will only cost me £98 to cover from "" with the most expensive being the timber and enviromesh for the vents.

Here's the largest on my tunnels which I have cleaned out. I will be growing my leeks and onions in this next year. Again I hope to put side vents in this for as little money as I can. I also need around 400 blocks to make the raised beds either side, or I may have to go the cheap route this year with wood. One of the beds for my onions will also have a heating cable installed so I can warm the ground when I come to planting, seep hoses also need to be put in place..nearly forgot the soil/compost/manure needs to be ordered aswell to fill them up. I cleaned this tunnel after I took this picture with armillatox, anyone using this stuff inside a tunnel please use protective clothing, goggles, gloves, mask, It really does stink and wont come off for a few days, your lungs will hurt, your eyes will be sore and your ears will burn, even with a mask my throat was sore.

Well here she is, my greenhouse that I traveled miles to get, dismantle, fix and rebuild, well worth it. We put this up extremely solid and we spent at least two weeks making a proper base and cutting the greenhouse in once it was up. Putting the actual greenhouse up took only 4 hours including glass and clips, the prep and work after took some weeks. Yes I'm not a believer in cleaning up as you go and the garden is looking like a construction site.

My old tunnel is now planted up with spring cabbage:

Still have cauliflowers growing under the enviromesh outside, note I have not covered the heart as they are just for eating.