
About Me

Monday 8 June 2009

postheadericon blah

Well the last couple of weeks haven't gone exactly as planed and there has been a few disasters and casualties. My two turkeys with splayed legs had to go at the weekend, my parsnips are suffering from yellow fleck virus despite constant spraying, I lost one long carrot that just flopped and died on me, and 3 onions went double and have been removed. Also one of my cherry tomatoes fell over and snapped and is now useless.

My celery is way behind, so are my leeks and 3 shallots also went double from the amount of rain we had. The rest are looking good and I am thinking of pulling some this weekend.

My potatoes are still alive and I will spray them at the next sign of a few dry days to help avoid blight along with my tomatoes and celery.


Simon (Smithyveg) said...

Apart from that everything's fine then is it? LOL

Veg4Show said...

Well, I think everything else is fine but I'm sure there is still time for it all to go tits up.

My problem is I spend way to much time doing everything and have so much land to look after I can never keep up.