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Monday 17 March 2008

postheadericon Leeks potted up

Well i finally managed to pot my leeks up this weekend into there final 5 litre pots and i have to say they had a very nice root structure, infact could have been repotted a few weeks earlier. It is important that you don't let your leeks or onions especially get to pot bound as at this stage they are really running low on nutrients in the soil based compost they are in. If you find you don't have time to pot something up that needs it then feeding is required at least once a week.

Now the leeks are in there final pots it wont be long before they fill these and at this stage they will be perfect to plant out. If i were planting these inside the polytunnel they would go in easter weekend and would have been potted up 3 weeks before this so the roots have a chance to fill the pot. This is why i potted them up slightly later this year as i want to hold on to them a bit longer until we get the warmer weather to plant direct outside in the raised beds.

You will notice i have slightly pulled the collar up the leek at the base and this purely for air circulation to avoid any rot. Now is also the time to ensure that the leaves are growing in the correct way so i still lightly support them but encourage them to lay down or the leaves will twist and so will the leek.