
About Me

Tuesday 4 March 2008

postheadericon More seeds in

My first batch of celery has been in for about a week now so should be up within the next week or two i hope. This year I'm growing for the first time the new hybrid variety's "Evening star" and "redstar". I have always grown "Ideal" but sadly it just doesn't produce the quality sticks required to beat these new hybrids. Ideal has plenty of sticks and plenty of length but the thickness of the sticks is just to small for my liking. So this year will be a new experience with my celery as the new hybrids are more vigirous i just hope i have the timing right for each show. Celery can go over the top very quick or even go to seed on you, there really is only 1 maybe 2 weeks in its prime condition for showing before it losses that fine quality.

My tomatoes are also in, sown march the 1st and the variety is "Cedrico". I only grow 10 plants from seed and i order in 5 vegetative cuttings of "Gold Star" from medwyns. I grow these in one of the polytunnels along with some other tomatoes for eating and some cherry tomatoes.