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Tuesday 25 March 2008

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Still in the propagator, will prick out once they are strong and growing away soon. Not all these of these germinated, but i have two other batches just coming up for later shows.


My main parsnips in the tunnel have now been thinned down to one with my second batch that are a week later thinned down to two.


Really need to be planted out now, the pots are full of roots and the ground is prepared for them it just needs to dry out a bit first.


10 Cedrico looking pretty good so far in there 3inch pots. Slight leaf damage probably from the sun, shouldn't effect them.

Everything else:

Some leeks for the allotment, rosemary cuttings from last year, sprouts, cabbage, shallots from seed, later leek seedlings. flower plants etc moved into cold frame.